We should be vehemently opposed to Senate Bill 1, which criminalizes absentee ballot voting. This is an egregious piece of legislation and if it becomes law, would damage the fabric of the democratic process by limiting a fundamental right that is guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.
This bill seeks to rectify a problem that does not exist in the state of Alabama, creating a cataclysmic effect that isolates voters in a state where voter turnout consistently struggles. It’s ironic, that ten state senators choose to sponsor this legislation although it disproportionately impacts counties in their voting districts.
Just in the 2020 election alone, 70% of absentee voters were in the places that voted “red”. In places like Madison County, which has been a Republican stronghold for years, one in five people voted absentee. In five deeply conservative counties, (Blount, Cleburne, Cullman, St. Clair, and Winston) more people voted absentee than there were people who voted by any method for Democratic candidates.
This bill is another voter-suppressive tactic that historically plagues the progression of our state, while consequently ostracizing the very voters that the sponsors were elected to serve. These senators speak of free and fair elections while spewing false claims of ballot harvesting and voter fraud. It is amazing to see our governor support a bill that limits her constituents from voting. A study from the Heritage Foundation reveals only 20 cases of any type of election fraud were discovered from 2000 to 2023 in the state of Alabama. The only case of voter fraud in the last 5 years in Alabama was committed by a former Republican state representative, David Cole.
It is amazing that while we champion the win of the Milligan decision, which more accurately reflects the racial makeup of our state, that so many lawmakers want to dilute it by any means. No matter what piece of legislation comes through the legislative pipeline we will stand to ensure equality and equity in the voting rights space. No matter the color nor creed, we work for all Alabamians to ensure that their voices are heard, whether that is at the ballot box, through absentee voting, and beyond.
Join us in solidarity as we work to ensure that the right to vote is not stymied by draconian legislation that hinders our ability to be heard. Voice your concerns with your legislators. Call them. Write them. Email them to voice your concerns because that is the true definition of free and fair elections.