Our Legislative Agenda

The 2024 Legislative Session is underway. Here's what we're fighting for: first amendment rights, voting rights, reproductive justice, and criminal legal reform.

The ACLU of Alabama is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting and strengthening the civil rights and liberties of all Alabamians. We advance this mission through litigation, advocacy, and public education. Whether we challenge bad policies in court, lobby lawmakers in the State House, or hold protests with you – we know it’s the people of Alabama who have the power.

During this legislative session, Alabama lawmakers will continue to make decisions that affect our everyday lives. They are accountable to us. We’re here to help you use your voice and advocate for policies that reflect our values. This is about our lives, our future, and our democracy. 

Here are our legislative priorities for 2024

  • Fighting for Criminal Legal Reform 
  • Protecting First Amendment Rights 
  • Defending the Right to Vote 
  • Ensuring Reproductive Justice 

We know all these issues intersect and affect all Alabamians. As the great Maya Angelou states, “no one of us can be free until everybody is free.”

Make sure to check out our Lege Action Hub for our bill tracker and resources to contact your lawmaker. 

Fighting For Criminal Legal Reform 

Alabama’s prison system is deadly and hurting all Alabamians. The State has the most people on death row per capita and the highest parole denial rates in the country. Our prison system is overcrowded with inhumane conditions while lawmakers have not provided viable solutions to keep Alabamians safe and let people come home.  

We need 

  • To end the death penalty 
  • To hold the Parole Board accountable 
  • To hold the Alabama Department of Corrections accountable  

We reject

  • More bills criminalizing Alabamians for constitutionally protected behavior 
  • Bills that create harsher penalties and exacerbate our overcrowded prisons 

Protecting First Amendment Rights 

Challenges to the First Amendment rights of Alabamians have come in many forms, including limitations on people’s right to peacefully assemble, the ability to use flags on public property, and consistent efforts to restrict Alabama educators and students from learning and sharing on topics related to race and gender.  Policymakers have even imposed restrictions on the curriculum, limiting topics that educators can address in the classroom. These measures undermine academic freedom, limit access to diverse perspectives, and deny students a complete education about the world they will inhabit. We will oppose any legislation that seeks to silence and criminalize the exercise of any person’s First Amendment rights. 

We need 

  • To defend a teacher’s and student’s right to learn and share 
  • Equity for all Alabamians, free from discrimination 

We reject 

  • Dishonest lawmaking 
  • Obstructing Alabamians from peaceful assembly or freedom of speech 

Defending the Right to Vote 

Voting is a free expression of speech and must be protected. Ensuring access to voting allows us to protect our futures and communities collectively. With one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country, Alabama is a state in need of reforms to encourage eligible voters to register and vote, not block them from doing so.  

We need 

  • Consistent support for voter registration. 
  • Expanded access to absentee ballots. 

We reject 

  • Barriers to voting that have no proven connection to election security 
  • Limitations on providing access to the ballot 

Ensuring Reproductive Justice 

The overwhelming majority of Alabamians support the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions without interference from politicians. And yet, over the past several years Gov. Ivey and lawmakers have worked to erode the constitutional right of individuals to access abortion and reproductive health care. Safeguarding reproductive rights is essential to individual equality, autonomy, economic self-sufficiency, and dignity. We will oppose legislative efforts to further erode the constitutional right to abortion and protect the privacy and ability of every Alabamian to make healthcare decisions free from interference by the Legislature. 

We need 

  • Support for midwives and birthing centers to expand maternal healthcare. 
  • The guaranteed right of someone to make their own reproductive decisions. 

We reject 

  • Politicians making decisions that should be left to people and their trusted medical providers.
  • Restrictions on abortion access (including medication or out-of-state travel).