MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Today, the Alabama House considered HB314, the most restrictive abortion ban in the country which would criminalize abortion with no exception for rape or incest. The bill passed with a vote of 74-3.
The ACLU of Alabama testified two weeks ago in the House Health Committee to make sure lawmakers knew that the ACLU would sue if they passed this bill. One of the previous lawsuits against legislation restricting access to abortion cost the state 1.7 million dollars in attorney fees.
“We are disappointed that the Alabama House passed HB314 despite the fact it would criminalize abortion and interfere with a woman's personal, private medical decisions. It is unfortunate that members of the House are putting their personal beliefs ahead of what's in the best interest of our state. The people of Alabama are paying the bill for unconstitutional legislation and we hope that the Senate members will realize its detrimental impact and stop this bill from becoming law. Otherwise it will be challenged in federal court.”