Send A Message: Vote NO on HB376

Join us in calling on Alabama lawmakers to vote NO for House Bill 376.

HB376 is an inhumane and unnecessary bill that results in persecution and abuse for immigrant families. HB376 would allow police to arrest people solely over suspicions about immigration status —putting Alabama communities at greater risk of racial profiling. This bill would permit local governments to do the work of federal immigration officers which diverts precious local resources away from communities to serve the needs of the federal government, corrodes public trust in law enforcement, and drives victims and witnesses of crime into the shadows, making everyone less safe.

The ACLU of Alabama strongly opposes HB376. This bill in inhumane and unfairly targets some of Alabama’s most vulnerable populations.

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Vote NO on HB376

Please oppose House Bill 376. This is an inhumane and unnecessary bill that results in persecution and abuse for immigrant families.

This bill would divert local resources away from communities to serve the needs of the federal government, corrodes public trust in law enforcement, and drives victims and witnesses of crime into the shadows, making everyone less safe.

I'm asking you to please vote NO on HB376 and protect some of Alabama's most vulnerable populations.


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