ALCU AL legislative update

Thanks for your interest in staying up-to-date during the state legislative session. As the session progresses and more bills move forward, we will continue posting periodic updates. Here are our major highlights:

-SB13 (Marriage Licenses): This bill, which would eliminate marriage licenses and the requirement for a ceremony, has passed through the House Judiciary committee, and will now await the full House. Because the bill does not target same-sex couples but treats all couples in the same manner, the ACLU of Alabama does not have a position on this bill.

-SB198 (Ban the Box): This bill would prohibit the State of Alabama, its agencies, and its political subdivisions, as employers, from inquiring into or considering an applicant’s arrest or conviction history for consideration of a job until after the applicant has received a conditional job offer, except when a conviction is directly related to the position of employment sought. This bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee with a vote of 8-1. It now awaits the full Senate debate.

-HB94 (Protester Felony): The public hearing was scheduled last week for January 24, but it was cancelled. An amendment has been introduced to change the penalty from a class B felony to a class C misdemeanor, but there are still concerns with the bill for adding additional penalties that are unnecessary, which would chill free speech. It is currently in subcommittee.

-HB52 (Abortion Consent): This bill would require abortion providers to inform women of their right to withdraw consent at any point, that if consent is withdrawn the procedure must be immediately stopped, and that a full refund must be issued if the abortion is not performed. We oppose this bill for adding additional restrictions on abortion providers, as well as raising medical concerns if someone can stop a procedure after it has already started. It was carried over again in committee last week, and new language was added. 

This week:

On Wednesday, January 31, both HB94 and HB52 will be in committee, but neither will have a public hearing. 

On Thursday, February 1 at 10am, Alabama Appleseed, the Alliance for Responsible Lending in Alabama, the Alabama Anti-Predatory Lending Coalition, and YWCA Central Alabama will be hosting a Rally and Lobby Day at the Statehouse to fight against predatory lending practices in Alabama. For more information, visit