HB 238 (2020) - Forced Vasectomy
This bill would require a man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.
This bill was introduced...
This bill would require a man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.
This bill was introduced...
This bill would prohibit K-12 athletic events that allow athletes to compete against athletes of a different biological gender, unless the event specifically includes both genders. It also prohibits the use...
This bill would prohibit and impose criminal penalties for:
This bill would require the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to include information on how to respond to law enforcement stops in the Alabama Driver's Manual and other licensing examination materials...
This bill would propose an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, that would require reasonable bail in all cases unless a person is charged with a capital offense or offenses enumerated by the...
This bill would update the current curriculum and requirements for teaching sex education to Alabama students. This including removing the provision that requires schools to teach that homosexuality "is not...