In case you missed it, here are a few highlights and headlines regarding the ACLU and ACLU related issues. 

Photo: Our Staff Attorney Brock Boone spoke at Montgomery Pride on the steps of the Capitol. 

We're teaming up with Legal Services Alabama for a voter rights restoration campaign to help those with felony convictions navigate the new moral turpitude law. (via ACLU of Alabama)

ACLU filed an amicus brief in support of the Asian American rock band The Slants, which had applied for a trademark for its band name but were denied on the grounds that it was offensive. This resulted in a victory for First Amendment rights when the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that the government refusing "offensive" trademarks violated free speech. (via ACLU)

The US Supreme Court sided with an Alabama death row inmate James McWilliams who claimed the right to expert assistance to determine his mental health status. This verdict sends the case back to the lower courts to review. (via Reuters)

Meanwhile, Kharon Davis in Houston County has been charged with murder in 2007 but has yet to have a trial. Due to numerous problems, including conflicts of interest from the court-appointed lawyers, the trial has been postponed several times. (via

These cases demonstrate the problems with our criminal justice system that has led to overcrowded prisons, wrongfully incarcerated people, the school-to-prison-pipeline, and disenfranchised individuals who serve their time but cannot reenter civil or political discourse. However, the ACLU of Alabama is monitoring a new juvenile justice task force that will explore different ideas that the state can implement to reduce juvenile crime. (via

We are also challenging discriminatory practices within the criminal justice system, such as Randolph County where a woman was kept in jail because she was unable to afford bail. (via ACLU of Alabama)

In the end, whether voting rights, criminal justice, or free speech, the fight for civil rights in Alabama continues, and we are there on the frontlines. Due to resources, we're not able to get involved in many cases, but we are aware and want you to be, too. Help us fight by donating or becoming a member because freedom can't protect itself.