Background: House Bill 195 would prohibit most sex education curriculum and establish abstinence-only-until-marriage as the only approved curriculum in Alabama’s public schools. This bill would penalize any educator or school administrator who provided information on “safer sex” approaches, including medically-accurate discussions of condoms and contraception. Furthermore, the legislation prevents discussion on topics like abortion or other alternatives that may be appropriate in a pregnancy.
Our Position: We oppose HB195. Alabama has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates and STI rates in the country. Leading medical organizations oppose abstinence-only curriculums because they do not delay sexual initiation or reduce sexual risk behaviors. Recently published scientific studies find that abstinence-only sex education programs “violate adolescent human rights, withhold medically accurate information, stigmatize or exclude many youth, reinforce harmful gender stereotypes, and undermine public health programs.” The ACLU of Alabama believes that HB195 will promote uninformed, dangerous, and detrimental education to the public health of young Alabamians.