These companion bills would revise the content, course materials, and instructions of sex education curriculums for Alabama public K-12 schools.
Major changes include:
- removing harmful and stigmatizing anti-LGBTQ language,
revising language regarding pregnancy,
requiring "medically accurate" sex education curriculums,
requiring parents to be informed about sex education instruction, and
allowing parents to request sex education curriculums.
Our Position
We support these bills.
On February 9, HB 385 was read and assigned to the House Education Policy Committee. It passed out of committee and was sent to the Alabama House. On March 2, it passed out of the Alabama House and was sent to the Alabama Senate. On March 18, it was passed out of committee and was sent to the Senate floor. On April 20, HB 385 passed out of the Alabama Senate with an 18-6 vote count. It was sent to Governor Kay Ivey, who had the choice to either sign the bill into law or veto it. On April 29, Gov. Ivey signed HB 385.
On February 2, SB 196 was read and assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee where it eventually stalled due to the movement of companion bill HB 385.
5/7/21 - US State of Alabama Removes Anti-LGBT Language from Sex Ed Law [Human Rights Watch]
4/28/21 - Ivey signs bill striking anti-homosexuality language from Alabama sex education law [Montgomery Advertiser]
4/28/21 - Ivey signs bill to update Alabama sex education, remove anti-gay language []
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For More Information
Click the play button below to see more information about HB 385 and SB 196 — including where they are in the Legislature, the latest versions, and how you can sign up for e-mail updates from Fast Democracy.

Page last revised: May 27, 2021