HB 100 – Ballots Delivered by Designee for Voters with Disabilities
House Bill 100 would allow disabled voters to designate an individual to deliver their application for an absentee ballot and absentee ballot to the election manager.
House Bill 100 would allow disabled voters to designate an individual to deliver their application for an absentee ballot and absentee ballot to the election manager.
House Bill 95 seeks to authorize registered voters to apply for and vote using absentee ballots without an excuse.
Senate Bill 34 seeks to repeal Alabama’s Abortion Ban, which is the Alabama Human Life Protection Act.
House Bill 35 would require local school boards to authorize the use of the school district’s publicly funded property and resources to facilitate student-led prayer.
House Bill 17 would repeal a law that dates back to the 19th century and represents the long legacy of extreme attacks on abortion care since before Roe v. Wade was even law of the land.
House Bill 7 would prohibit discourse regarding race, class, sexuality, and national origin and characterize discussions and accurate supplementary teachings, assignments, and trainings as “divisive”.