MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- During a work session in June, the Alabama State Board of Education met to discuss, amongst other things, a resolution “declaring the preservation of intellectual freedom in Alabama’s public schools.” As the board is scheduled to meet next week on July 13, 2021, the ACLU of Alabama has sent a letter opposing this resolution due to First Amendment implications.  

Executive Director JaTaune Bosby said: 

“Instead of preserving intellectual freedom, this resolution is a blatant attempt to suppress and censor speech. While states generally have latitude to determine school curricula, this effort to ban conversations about race would effectively gag educators and students, preventing both from teaching and learning effectively. We urge the Alabama State Board of Education to reject this resolution and maintain true intellectual freedom by allowing people the ability to talk openly about all ideas, not just the ones certain people like.” 

Read a full copy of the letter below.